Adószám.: 18105887-1-03
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Natura Hungarica Közhasznú Alapítvány




Boost your baby’s development with efficient communication, movement and early intervention!



Natura Hungarica Foundation together with 2 Icelandic, 1 Hungarian and 1 Slovakian organisation realised an Erasmus+ strategic partnership project titled: BIO-TRIO




Our goal is to develop the communication within BIO-TRIO, meaning between 1) child, 2) parent and 3) specialist/teacher/therapist and to promote activities that support children’s age-appropriate development, like early intervention and movement therapies.


In the frame of BIO-TRIO project we have realised 3 transnational project meetings and 2 joint staff trainings.


First training focused at the methods and tools of efficient internal and external communication, with the aim to develop our organisation and our planned dissemination material, our booklet.


Second training focused at empathy and its development methods, with the aim to establish trust, cooperation between parents and teachers/therapists. 



Our team. 2019. October – Transnational project meeting closure – Conference in Budapest


We have created a baby-book, where anybody can follow up the development of his/her child from the age of 0- to 6 years.


Get an insight:

In the baby-book everyone can easily follow up the age appropriate development of the baby, by ticking next to statement - I can do this/that - whenever appropriate.







We have printed and shared in 5 languages, 8500 pieces of the baby-book despite 2500 planned.






We reached nearly 200 000 people through our dissemination activities.






We are grateful for the grant received from the European Union, in the frame of Erasmus+ programme.






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